
main char /Gvydion/ Warband crpg mod 34 l

niedziela, 29 września 2013

28 IX

World of Tanks


cały dzień (13 - 23 55 ) próbuję nabić dobry wynik do konkursu pl społeczności WoT
po czym około 24 orientuję się , że nie nabicie tego wyniku ( parę razy byłem dość blisko )  nie ma znaczenia bo konkurs trwał do piątku  .

 Ile zabawy z tierem  I i II miałem z tej okazji to swoją drogą .

pozostaje co weekendowy quest z rozwaleniem 60 czołgów w 3 różnych maszynach za co konto premium jest przedłużane o tydzień - dobre i to ...

sobota, 14 września 2013


early one days morning
i came upon a fine young horse
i mounted up and led him onward
he was gray as the sky above
as the sky above
i slept down by the river
and what a sad dream i had
i'm afraid my love
it must be true
today i will go and leave you
today i will be gone
i awoke and was surrounded
nine of the law stood before me
askin me my name and business
demanding proof of me
demanding proof of me
proof of me
what do you want from me
would you have me your prisoner
no but you must give us that horse
you must give us that roan gray horse
listen he aint for sale
never for the law to ride
if that should happen none would be safe
even the birds
even the birds
would be afraid to fly
so they ask again what was my name they ask again what was my name
two were dead before they could move
two were dead before they could move
thats my name
thats my name
if you please
thats my name
thats my name
if you please

Czang-Kaj-Szek, Roosvelt, Churchill. Konf. w Kairze