SIGIL - miasto świat Planscepa jest arcyciekawą odmianą dla większości sztmpowych światów fantasy. Wielka szkoda, że Planescape jest jedyną grą która używa tej lokalizacji. Co prawda w BG II istniał quest i postać powiązane z wieloświatem. Ale był to tylko drobny epizod.
Informacje z pliku readme.
"Game Info (Snagged from Gamespot):
Torment is a traditional role-playing game with an uncommonly
detailed story and first-rate graphics and sound. It's set in
the complex and interesting Advanced Dungeons & Dragons universe
of Planescape, which is a patchwork of wildly different dimensions
surrounding a sprawling city that connects them together. In Torment,
you play as a nameless character who cannot die and cannot remember
his past, and in uncovering his origin, you'll experience one of
the year's most fascinating games.
Torment uses the same graphics engine as Baldur's Gate and will
consequently seem immediately familiar to fans of the best-selling
1998 role-playing game. However, Torment's top-down isometric
perspective is much closer to the ground than in Baldur's Gate,
which means all the characters in Torment appear quite large onscreen.
Each character is highly detailed, carefully animated, and cleverly
designed above all else. Torment abandons the high-fantasy styling
of most RPGs and instead uses the Planescape license's unique
interpretation of familiar fantasy archetypes, which lends the game
a wholly original appearance that defies expectations for fantasy
and science fiction artwork. Even Torment's protagonist, who is
heavily scarred, entirely tattooed, and dressed in bones and animal
hides, seems nothing like the usual role-playing game hero. "
5 godzin temu
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