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czytam "Milion otwartych drzwi" - sf (chcę skończyć i oddać)
pije kawę
czuję się "zmęczony" (? jak by to nazwać, spadek energii ??)
jem czekoladę (12 kostek)
piję czajniczek czarnej herbaty
na szczęście nie mam zakwasów
(mam świadomość że czekolada herbata i kawa nie dodają na dłuższą metę energii, wręcz przeciwnie, ale ...)
"Milion otwartych drzwi" Czyta się dobrze, rok ok 3000 (?) ludzkość skolonizowała jakieś 1400 światów . Główny bohater pochodzi z Neu Occitain (kultura poezji, pojedynków, monarchia, większość osób to quasi szlachta, artyści) ale opuszcza barwny świat rodzinny i leci z przyjacielem na Kaledonię ( świat religijnych racjonalistów, kultura szara i sztywna).
Powieść o odmiennościach kulturowych, ucieczce w kosmos po zdradzie kochanki i o miłości do brzydkiej kobiety.
Powtórzę, czyta się dobrze
Każda kultura planetarna ma odmienną wersję historii ludzkości (w Neu Occitain: Rimbaud był królem Francji (!), Poe zginął w powstaniu 1848 (na paryskiej barykadzie), Beethoven zabił Mozarta )
A Million Open Doors (1992) is a science fiction novel, the first book of the Thousand Cultures series, by John Barnes. The story is told from the perspective of a maturing adult from a parochial culture who encounters many obstacles in a different and even more parochial culture which causes him to become a fully engaged citizen in the Interstellar culture. A Million Open Doors is a study of the effects of globalization.
The novel was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1992 and the Arthur C. Clarke Award in 1994.
Plot summary
Unfolding on the planet of Wilson in the city of Nou Occitan, the story begins with a man named Giraut and his romantic, swashbuckling friends, who are all residents in the Quartier de Jovents, a sort of playground for teens and twenty-somethings who have not yet moved on to the more "grown-up" lifestyle of their parents. Technologically safeguarded, these young adults have swordfights in the streets with "neuroducer" epees and frequent the taverns of the Quartier. However, Giraut is forced to grow up much more quickly than most of his friends, because one day his friend Aimeric is called upon by the government to travel to the distant planet, Nansen, as an aid to the coming of the springer: a method of instantaneous transportation, which will have adverse affects on Caledonian economy. Giraut decides to leave when he catches his girlfriend getting into the Interstellar "arts scene," which is a euphemism for pornography. Thus, Aimeric and Giraut advise the rational council of the Caledonians to adjust their economy to that of the rest of the universe so that the springer will have as few adverse effects as possible. When the Caledonians decide that Aimeric and Giraut, as well as the Interstellar government, are trying to usurp their power, they begin to try to seize back control of everything, and an urban conflict ensues. Giraut discovers among the strife who he really is and begins to see how fake his life back home was.
[edit] Characters
* Giraut - a talented Nou Occitan swordsman forced to grow up suddenly as he encounters complicated political struggles between opposing ideological groups as a Caledonian ambassador.
* Garsenda - Giraut's ex-girlfriend back in Nou Occitan.
* Aimeric - originally from Caledony, a fellow troubadour and friend to Giraut, trained in economic principles and business and ambassador to Caledony.
* Bieris - Aimeric's girlfriend, who accompanies him to Nansen.
* Bruce - Aimeric's childhood friend from Nansen, who greets and initially hosts them upon their arrival on the harsh planet.
* Margaret - a Caledony woman who becomes increasingly important to Giraut.
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