"Broadsword and the beast" Jethro Tull,
"Przynieśta mi półtoraka i czysty umysł" (w luźnym tłumaczeniu) zauroczyła mnie piosnka.
Ciekawe czy puszczają to na karaoke .
Wikipedia :
"Jethro Tull – brytyjski zespół rockowy reprezentujący style: white blues, folk rock, progresywny rock i hard rock .
Nazwa zespołu pochodzi od nazwiska żyjącego na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku angielskiego agronoma ...
Grupa została założona w 1967 i istnieje do dziś " !!!
I see a dark sail on the horizon set under a black
cloud that hides the sun.
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding.
Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman.
Get up to the roundhouse on the cliff-top standing.
Take women and children and bed them down.
Bring me my broadsword and clear understanding.
Bring me my cross of gold as a talisman.
Bless with a hard heart those who surround me.
Bless the women and children who firm our hands.
Put our backs to the north wind. Hold fast by the river.
Sweet memories to drive us on for the motherland.
[ www.azlyrics.com ]
"Dharma For One"
She's really turned on by the television, and vice versa.
Here's a song called, ??. Yes, right. Rearranged though,
nevertheless. A new lease on life. In other words, it's just a bit
louder. ``Dharma For One''.
Dharma, seek and you will find
truth within your mind, Dharma.
Dharma, each to his own we say,
together we'll end astray, Dharma.
Truth is like freedom, it doesn't fool me.
Be true to yourself, never think that you're free.
Dharma will come eventually.
Thank you! ??
4 godziny temu
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